Every fireplace should have a functional damper. This is one of the measures put in place for both safety and protection. When a Chimney Solutions technician visits your home, they will always inspect the damper as a part of our standard process. After all, dampers play a vital role in your flue’s operation and have two main variations: top mount and throat dampers.
Essentially, a fireplace damper is a metal plate that closes off or opens up your fireplace’s flue. Homeowners control the operation of a damper from inside the home, opening and closing it based on fireplace usage and time of year.
Like an open window, a fireplace damper controls the airflow in and out of the home. When open, your damper allows smoke and other gasses to escape through the flue. If the damper is blocked or left in the closed position and you start a fire, those harmful byproducts will back up into your home. When using your central air conditioning unit, close your damper. This helps to keep the warm air outside and the cooler air inside.
At the top of your chimney should sit a chimney cap. A top mount fireplace damper sits on top of this, effectively sealing the chimney from any outside debris or animals. A top mount damper is designed to maximize energy efficiency as much as possible with rubber seals. They’re easier to replace and, when an internal damper fails, the preferred solution to get the fireplace back in operational condition. In addition, birds and other animals like to make their home within your flue. A closed top mount fireplace damper keeps them from setting up their permanent residence in your chimney, acting as a chimney cap.
When most homeowners think of their fireplace damper, they probably envision a throat mount variation. These sit just inside of your fireplace near the “throat” — a section of your chimney that acts as a smoke shelf. They have two advantages over top mount, namely:
They’re unfortunately more difficult to replace, as access is limited without tearing into your home’s interior structure.
The decision of whether to go with top mount vs throat dampers ultimately comes down to the age and condition of your chimney. Most new constructions will have a throat mount damper while older homes can go either way. In addition, if your older home has a throat mount damper that is beyond repair, the preferred solution is to install a top mount. This will act as a replacement damper and improve your chimney cap.
If your damper stops functioning
properly, do not light a fire.
Contact Chimney Solutions, LLC at 317-757-6979
to schedule an inspection.
Our Service Area
If you live within 20 miles of Marion County, there’s no need to call any other chimney provider! The team here at Chimney Solutions Indiana will be in our marked trucks and clean uniforms and at your door on time! We travel to Zionsville, Carmel, Fishers, Brownsburg, Westfield, Geist, Eagle Creek, Noblesville and all throughout the Indianapolis, IN area.
We believe that education and ongoing training is important, which is why we continuously invest in ourselves and our team to deliver better service to you. We’re Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) – certified and members of the National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG), so whenever advancements are made within the industry, we’re among the first to know about it. When you work with Chimney Solutions, you can expect the latest information and the most advanced services and techniques. We strive to exceed expectations on every job from a routine chimney sweep and chimney cleaning to a full chimney restoration.
We’re committed to providing the best service possible and look forward to serving you and your family, year after year. Call 317-757-6979 to get started! >>